Oshmann family jcc of palo alto
Biblical Prophets and Prophecy | Six-Class Series
When: Wednesday, 11/6/2019 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Session dates: Wednesdays, 11/6/2019 - 12/18/2019, 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Where: Marcia & John Goldman Teen Center, Room (Bldg M) -121
The Jewish Bible has three parts—the Torah, the Prophets and the Writings. "Biblical Prophets and Prophecy" is a six-week crash course on the second section of the Bible, the Prophets. This is a great class to attend if you are interested in learning about how Biblical characters respond to the social crises of their times and how the Bible imagines social criticism should work.
You may be familiar with some of the more famous Biblical prophets—perhaps you've heard of Isaiah, Jeremiah or Ezekiel? There are actually MANY prophets in the Bible and each of these characters plays a particular role in shaping early Jewish society.
This course will focus on six prophets in the Bible and is meant to provide an overview of Biblical prophecy. We will enjoy the prophet's words and trace the lineage of charismatic orators. We will use these texts to ask questions about the Biblical vision of leadership, social criticism and social change. In so doing, we will explore the Jewish tradition of fighting the social quo to make the world a little more just in our lifetime.
Participants are welcome to attend any individual class or to enroll in the entire course for a discounted rate. Register for all six classes of the course on this page; registration for individual classes is available via the links below.
Class topics:
November 6: Introduction to the Book of Prophets | An overview of the Book of Prophets and the role of the prophet in the Bible | Zoe Jick
November 13: The Book of Judges | A book filled with chaos, charismatic leaders and talks of violence, lust and heroism | Rabba Shani Gross
November 20: The Book of Jeremiah | A text that demonstrates how difficult it can be to hear (and to read!) the truth | Dr. Ariel Resnikoff
December 4: The Book of Isaiah | The most famous of the prophetic voices, with messages relevant for our time | Tova Birnbaum
December 11: The Book of Ezekiel | The most mysterious and mystical of the prophetic books | Rabbi Amitai Fraiman
December 18: The Book of Hosea | One of the minor prophets who has majorly poetic words to say | Zoe Jick
Special bonus class: Sunday, November 10 | The Book of Joshua: Entering the Land | Taught by Shira Hecht-Koller, Esq., of 929 at the Z3 conference (purchase tickets separately)
Wednesdays, November 6–December 18 | No class November 27
7:30–9:00 PM
Goldman Teen Center, Room M-121
$75 for all classes | $18 per class General Public | $15 per class Members and J-Pass holders
Scholarship support is available
Contact: Zoe Jick | (650) 223-8756 | zjick@paloaltojcc.org
This course is a collaboration between the OFJCC, BINA: The Jewish Movement for Social Change and 929.